I felt so guilty for making my body feel so unsafe for so long. I felt so dumb for not knowing anything about how female biology and hormones worked. I felt so crazy for being so out of touch with my body and what it needed to thrive.
i realized that so many of my “healthy” habits actually weren’t so healthy. I was exercising too much, eating too little, and just generally moving WAY too fast through life.
After getting off birth control, I realized I had no period and that I had been missing it for 15+ years. I was scared and alarmed. I dove deep into the research and science on missing cycles and learned I had something called hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) - a neurological issue that forms as a defense mechanism when the body is under too much stress and in a low energy availability state chronically. It works by shutting down communication between the brain and the ovaries - turning off reproductive functioning - so no ovulation and no period.